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CCLC Missions

June Johnson, Ukraine

June Johnson 

LeutzestraBe 57 73525

Schwabish Gmund

Deutschland Germany

Several months ago, realizing that I could not create it on my own, I asked God to give me more love for Him.  My desire was sincere, but I could have never guessed that He would answer as He did.  God turned the tables and chose to show me how much He loves me. 

Adopted –Waltraud (wife), Heinrich (husband) were the ‘bridge’ people for our group at Shonblick

and helped tremendously. During those first 4 months that were especially difficult, they came by

nearly daily with smiles, hugs, ready to help and answer questions. After living at the conference

center for a year, the group left Shonblick last March and we moved into town.  Now a year and a

half later, despite the drive they continue to visit often…. still smiling and still ready to help.

For me the Kaufmann family came out of thin air.  A year and a half ago, in my mess & stress,

they found me.  Last year – from March to March, they and their daughter, Katharina, looked for

ways to help me (as taxi, translation, filling in documents, advice, visiting me in the hospital,

inviting me over for meals etc.).  I felt like I had nothing to offer them, so the relationship felt

one-sided, and these type of ‘friendships’ often end in a short time.  But because of their loving

hearts and my thirsty one, ours got stronger.

The gift of their friendship, for me is extra special because they have chosen to include me in their

lives. In the past 6 months, we’ve been able to spend more time together as they sincerely want to

bless, create rest, space and fun for me.  Thanks to these 3, my life has a lot more balance and

laughter. I treasure the joy and friendship they have brought into my life. It was not earned or

deserved; in His grace God chose to give it and I am deeply grateful.

Grace refers to God’s character trait or disposition or inclination to treat people better than we deserve…. John Piper

Banana splits - A month ago, I sent out the following text message to the group.

I invite each of you to join us for banana splits tomorrow at lunch. Why?  Our group really has

much to celebrate!

Andriy and Sveta have returned from the hospital. (Rehab hospital for those with spinal injuries)

Yulia and Galina have returned from the hospital. (The same rehab hospital for those with spinal


Mykola P. has returned from the hospital. (After having plastic surgery to close his pressure


Arina and Katya have returned from the hospital. (After treating Arina for pneumonia.)

Sergi celebrates the news of being cancer free! (After surgery & 6 months of chemotherapy.)

Saturday is Roman's birthday; and this month I celebrate 25 years of serving as a missionary.

An ice cream party was my way of trying to point out to the group that we had so much to be

thankful for. We didn’t earn it or deserve it – each gift was purely God’s goodness towards us.

Then 35 bowls of ice cream later, God pulled one on me; when the group gathered around me

to congratulate for my 25-year mark and thank me for being with them.  God is kind and He

chose to give another sweet gift to my heart, and I am deeply grateful.

The word grace also refers to the help of God which produces real practical outcomes in

people’s lives.

A visit – This morning my immediate supervisor (Larry) and his supervisor (David) left for their

next visit.  It spoke volumes to me that they would choose to include me in their travel schedule

in Germany, giving me a whole day of their time.  It’s one thing to communicate by email,

but it's a whole different level to see, taste, smell, hear and touch for yourself.  The organization

that I work through – Christian Missionary Fellowship (CMF Int.) – does a lot of things well.

The guys set aside the chance to rest in order to hear the stories of several families in the group.

Later, I got to show and share the Shonblick conference center with them and then we returned

for more 1:1 visits and dinner.  Then they used the group evening devotional time to share their

story and encourage the group.  As our time was wrapping up, Sergi & Natasha Bolchuk,

founders of the AGAPE Rehab center in Lutsk surprised us.

The Bolchuk’s formally presented to David the ‘to One God’ Honor & Glory White Cross to

CMF Int., and, as their missionary, to me.  This award is given on behalf of the Ukrainian

government to non-Ukrainians to recognize those who have played a significant role in aiding

the country during the current war.  It was humbling because we hardly did it alone.

All the glory goes to God’s grace!

“…And I don't have a context For that kind of love
I don't understand I can't comprehend….”

Cody Carnes

I want to understand His love so I can make it fit into a box, stay neatly on a shelf, tucked into a definition, or set within the margins. But God’s immeasurable is oblivious of my restrictions.

With my prayer, it was as if I had approached Him with a teaspoon of my love and in return, a waterfall of His love cascaded over me. A brain blowing volume…never ending…gloriously messy…uncontrollably spraying everywhere; His powerful overwhelming love thoroughly soaking my heart.

Blessings, June

Waltraud, Katharina      and Heinrich Kaufmann - my adopted German family

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In October I was honored to receive the 2023 Bud and Dorothy Page Lebanon High School Alumni Hall of Fame for Class of 1984. My mother, Marilynn Johnson, accepted the award on my behalf. As I could not attend, I sent this 11 min. video as my acceptance speech and I thought perhaps you would like to watch it.


*After you click on the link, click on "Go to link: https://www.....


CMF INTERNATIONAL  is a global mission team at work in 26 countries creating dynamic, Christ-centered communities. 

Hand in Hand Farm


                                      Hand In Hand Farm has been partnering with Christ Community for almost ten years now.  

                                      We appreciate the mission support, but the greater blessing has been that of having a safe church                                        to bring vulnerable families to so that they can experience the love and support of a church family                                          while they learn about God and Jesus. Christ Community has been that church family. 

                                      When you look out over the sanctuary during the service, one sees a lot of grey hair.  The uninformed would think that this is a church on the way out, elders without another generation to succeed them.   What they don’t see are all of the grandparents here, ready to nurture the future generations that are brought through these doors. 

Most of you have heard about Hand In Hand Farm through our presentations.  If you want to find out more about what we do, it’s easy to Google us and find our website and Facebook page.  However, it’s more important to us that you know about YOUR role in what comes AFTER Hand In Hand Farm, the church family that’s needed to provide support for families for the rest of their lives. 


                             Hand In Hand Farm     35105 Ede Road, Lebanon, OR 97355   541-451-1243                                                                           Visit our website:                                                                                                                                Share and like our page on Facebook!:                                                                           Sign up for our email mailing list! 

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Lutheran World Relief

 Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Fill Up The Tub!

It’s time again to fill up our tub with items for the Personal Care Kits,  Baby Kits and School Kits for Lutheran World Relief.

You can help just by picking up a few extra items when you are out shopping.                     

Every extra bar of soap, box of crayons or pair of baby socks contributes to our efforts.

Place your donated items in the galvanized tub located in The Gathering Place (Fellowship area).

Thank you for your ongoing help with this Mission project!

All items listed are the only items LWR will accept in their  kits. We appreciate your donations of these specific items.

Personal Care Kit

  •  Adult size toothbrushes in original packaging

  • Sturdy combs

  • Metal nail clippers

  • Bath-size towels and hand towels in dark colors

Baby Care Kit

  •  Light weight cotton T-shirts            (no onesies)

  • Long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet). Sizes up to 18 months

  • Jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts with hood or include baby cap

  • Pairs of socks

  • Hand towels (dark colors)

School Kit

  •  70-sheet notebooks wide or college rule

  • Rulers (30 centimeters on one side)

  • Pencil sharpeners

  • Blunt scissors

  • #2 pencils with erasers

  • Black or blue pens (no gel ink)

  • 2.5 inch erasers 

  • Box of 16 or 24 crayons

Affirming God’s love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering.

Operation Christmas Child

The Amazing Journey of a Shoebox Gift Begins with You and Results in Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication.

Operation Christmas Child  “Shoeboxes”

A reminder —  we have a collection box in the church’s Gathering Place for any items donated for our packing party. The shoeboxes are available for you to pick up and fill.  Suggested items for each age level are listed by the boxes.                                                       

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